
Maybe, In dream


Moon and Sun

When both of us

Will meet

You and i

Will become we

Stars and Night

Will glow

Like the new

World has formed

Ocean and Breeze

Will sing our

Forever story

If not in the reality

I can rhyme

Our love

In my poetry



To the one I love!

She’s the one

With whom I felt

I met my destiny

who made my life lovely


With her presence

I didn’t care

About what’s happening

Around me


I became lost

In her eyes,

Her talks,

Her beautiful smile.


I wanted to take

Small steps

With her on my journey

No matter how

Long the path

Would be.


The way she brings

Chaos in my heart

I had never felt

Like that in past



Bff’s Birthday

Here is a birthday wish for you,

One that is loving, happy and cute

May this year bring you

Dreams and success in all you do.


I wish much happiness for you

In everything you do.

Thank you, for being you

I am so proud of you.


Best gifts and poems I do write

Over the miles, no matter day or night

A happy, happy day to you

I am celebrating with you too.


It is your special day

Not a year goes without this day.

Be happy on this special day

I wish I could be there today!


Dear best friend,

I’ll be there for you, till the end.

Though we are so far apart

You’ll always be in my heart.

A Secret

You tell it

To your loved ones

Cause you know

They will keep

Your secret


The next moment

When you hear

That same secret

From someone else’s

Is that a secret anymore?


Will you stop

Telling secrets

Or secrets will

Stop you from

Trusting peoples


You know how

You heard that

Same secret from

Someone else’s


Your loved ones

Also, have their

Special friends

And their love


And they also

Like to share

Secrets with

Each other.



To A Friend…

The day I entered the college

Never thought that we’ll meet

Searching for a maths teacher in me

You came to me and we greet


We talk, we laugh, we weep

As our friendship became deep

I shared my secrets that you keep

You’re the one I’ll never let you seep


I haven’t seen much of you

But, will love to see more of you

I bet that every friend of you

Have wished to never lose you


You’ve done so much for me

And I don’t know how to say thank you

This poem is a small gift from me

Friendship is a combination that joins two…


© amitsv26

Love <3

You know when two people are apart by distances from each other, we can text, call, video call to them to know how are they doing? The modern technology has changed a lot. The way we express our love to someone has changed.
From writing love letters to sending a love text,
From gifting flowers to gifting shopping coupons,
From hidden meetings to go on date,
From secret photos to going live on Instagram together,
From telling lies to meet to inviting them for dinner together home,
From evening meetups to live-in relationship,
From dying for a meeting to video calling,
From proposing secretly to proposing publically.
The way of expressing the love changes with the time.
Love remains unchanged.
And It is adorable but, can be cruel too at the same time.
© amitsv26

BFF’s Birthday!

Today is a special day because it is my beautiful, amazing, wonderful friend’s birthday. Happy Birthday to the girl who has made me laugh for 2 years, 10 months, 23 days. I still have the chats of the first day, we talked. It’s the third birthday that I will be wishing you and I wanted it to be different from the last two times So, I chose to write. Your Birthday, The Best Day which comes every year in your life. The day when you took birth in your family, was the day when Everyone knows that This girl is something different and unique from others and You are. You’re the best person in everyone’s life even if it is your family or friends. The way you love and cares for everyone, No one can do that. You are born with special powers who can cure anyone by your love, care, and smile. For your special day, I tried to find the right words to show you how I feel about our friendship. I could only think of one: PRECIOUS. To me, you’re a precious friend, more special than anyone I’ve ever known. The reason why I write about you and love that I don’t want to ever forget you and the feeling of love. You, my friend, have been stamping all over my heart since the day we met. I already have a precious gift as You and I don’t know what gift should I give to you, But, I swear that I will be always there for you in any situation even if we are far apart and my love and respect for you will always grow to never-ending infinity. I have no doubt that you will still be the person who could turn my every sadness into a smile, the person who lifts me up when I am losing faith and the person who carries my tears on her shoulders. It’s hard to put it into words just how much you mean to me because words will never be enough. At last, Thank you for being a true friend. Thank you for being there for me always. Thank you for staying constant in the world full of change. I wish We will meet very soon and Ha, I need my birthday present too. 😛
Happy Birthday to The Most Beautiful Girl 🎂❤

Your Best Friend.

A Girl!

You beautiful, gorgeous, charming. The one girl who’s reading it, I want to tell her that you’re the most precious among all of the god’s creation. I always believe that Girls are another form of God who has been living on this Earth for making this world, A wonderful place to live on. A new generation can only take birth if You all are there to carry them for such a long time in your womb. The way you care for your loved ones, either it is your mother, father, brothers, sisters or friends, is unbelievable. One can’t pay his debt in his whole life that much you do for someone. Gods created many kinds of metals, and the metal which one is rare to find like gold, platinum, People decided to lock it in lockers that thieves can’t reach. But, We forget that there is one more valuable and beloved god’s creation is there i.e, YOU. A lot of patience, potential, and power needs to be a Girl. Being a girl isn’t easy. I think respecting, talking, and cheering you about being a girl for only one day in a year isn’t enough. You all should be loved and cared all the time as no matter how developed the science is, If girls aren’t there, there is no future.
Salute You Girls!
Smile, because not everyone has such a cute smile.

Valentine’s Day!

It’s Valentine’s Day today.
Today, I’m writing this one for you because, I want you to know how special you’re for me. It’s not about your physical beauty but, it’s about your soul. Finding a soul like you in this crowded world isn’t easy for everyone. But, I found you. A soul that is pure and honest. A soul which lightens up the world for others. I’m so lucky that we are best friends and I don’t wanna lose you ever. If I will have to write the definition for the perfect girl then, I will just write your name. I know, you’ll be smiling while reading this one and your smile is the most precious thing in this world and I promise that I won’t let anyone to bring sadness on your face. I can’t be with you at the every moment but, I promise that I will be always around you, You just have to call me. I know that Valentines day is for couples. But, I want to break this rule and celebrate this one with my best friend. And, I wanted to tell this world that Love and Valentine isn’t always between boyfriend and girlfriend, but, it can be between best friends too..

New Year, Old Memories!

Hey Guys,

First of all Happy New Year to Everyone.

So, I woke up again after the December ends, It was a good journey for me throughout the whole year 2017. Jan 2018 is completely different than Jan 2017. Last Year, I met a lot of new peoples and a few peoples disappeared too.

Going Back in 2017, January Month was the winter month with cool breezes, I was preparing for my board exams along with celebrating my birthday. February month is always the shortest month of the year, so how fast it passes you will never come to know. March month was full of exams. April month was like I am a free bird now, I went to a place where I never felt bored i.e., my maternal grandfather’s home. April just passed there. May was like being at home, doing somewhat extra studies, enjoying IPL and spending time with my school friends. It was June month after my life was going to be completely changed and I never thought of that. I left my home and reached Bangalore in searching for a place to complete my studies and start a new life. I got admission to a new college at a new place, very far from my home.Before my class starts, I enjoyed a lot until July. August welcomed me to my new college, new peoples, new places, first experience to be in the hostel. Suddenly, I started missing my home. But, as the time changes, I got to know that I have to accept it as my new life, there was nothing I can do about it. September, October and November, these three months, how they passed I am still surprised. These three months have the memory of first time bunking the college, waking up till 2 or 3’o clock, studying and doing all the fun together with my hostel roommates and classmates. December was full of exam for what I have done past 4 months. Anyhow, It also passed happily and peacefully. December ended beautifully and January is also starting happily as the old and best friends are still together with me.


For 2018, I can only wish that it will be also a great year for me with my new friends and also along with being more mature than before. :’)

Thank You for Reading. 🙂