New Year, Old Memories!

Hey Guys,

First of all Happy New Year to Everyone.

So, I woke up again after the December ends, It was a good journey for me throughout the whole year 2017. Jan 2018 is completely different than Jan 2017. Last Year, I met a lot of new peoples and a few peoples disappeared too.

Going Back in 2017, January Month was the winter month with cool breezes, I was preparing for my board exams along with celebrating my birthday. February month is always the shortest month of the year, so how fast it passes you will never come to know. March month was full of exams. April month was like I am a free bird now, I went to a place where I never felt bored i.e., my maternal grandfather’s home. April just passed there. May was like being at home, doing somewhat extra studies, enjoying IPL and spending time with my school friends. It was June month after my life was going to be completely changed and I never thought of that. I left my home and reached Bangalore in searching for a place to complete my studies and start a new life. I got admission to a new college at a new place, very far from my home.Before my class starts, I enjoyed a lot until July. August welcomed me to my new college, new peoples, new places, first experience to be in the hostel. Suddenly, I started missing my home. But, as the time changes, I got to know that I have to accept it as my new life, there was nothing I can do about it. September, October and November, these three months, how they passed I am still surprised. These three months have the memory of first time bunking the college, waking up till 2 or 3’o clock, studying and doing all the fun together with my hostel roommates and classmates. December was full of exam for what I have done past 4 months. Anyhow, It also passed happily and peacefully. December ended beautifully and January is also starting happily as the old and best friends are still together with me.


For 2018, I can only wish that it will be also a great year for me with my new friends and also along with being more mature than before. :’)

Thank You for Reading. 🙂

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